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13 Mayıs 2010 Perşembe

special computer glasses reduced my headaches!

Staring on my laptops or desktops screen without rest caused me a lot of headaches in my previous assignments. It has been 6 months I own a pair of Special computer glasses. The headache is gone for sure, I heavily recommend these glasses. Gunnar Optics

Usage Example of Boost Graph adjacency_list for Combining some Actions.

The below piece of code is just a quick sample reference code produced by me on Usage of Boosts Graph library (QT Console Application). The motivation is to combine together of actions together on a graph and proceed to next Action according to the current running Actions result.

// main.cpp

#include "qtcore/qcoreapplication"
#include "qtglobal"
#include "qstring"
#include "qlist"
#include "qdebug"

#include "boost/utility.hpp"
#include "boost/property_map.hpp"
#include "boost/graph/adjacency_list.hpp"

#include "Deneme1Class.h"
#include "Deneme2Class.h"
#include "Deneme3Class.h"

using namespace boost;

enum vertex_trobject_t{ vertex_trobject};
enum edge_retresult_t { edge_retresult };

namespace boost {
BOOST_INSTALL_PROPERTY(vertex, trobject);
BOOST_INSTALL_PROPERTY(edge, retresult);

typedef property VertexProperty;
typedef property EdgeProperty;
typedef adjacency_list TrActionGraph;
typedef property_map::type TrActionPropType;

typedef std::pair Edge;
typedef graph_traits::out_edge_iterator OutEdgeIterator;

// The below function is not exactly doing what I want it to do.
// create a tag for our new property
void travel(EdgeIter first, EdgeIter last, const TrActionGraph& G)
typedef typename property_map::const_type TrActionMap;
typedef typename boost::property_traits::value_type TrActionClass;
typedef typename property_map::const_type EdgeRetTypeMap;

// Access the propety acessor type for this graph
TrActionMap trmap = get(vertex_trobject, G);
EdgeRetTypeMap edgeMap = get(edge_retresult_t(), G);

TrActionClass src_trtype, targ_trtype;
src_trtype = boost::get(trmap, source(*first, G));

while (first != last) {
src_trtype = boost::get(trmap, source(*first, G));
targ_trtype = boost::get(trmap, target(*first, G));
int retValProp = boost::get(edgeMap,*first);
if(src_trtype->getRetVal() == retValProp){
qDebug() <<>getTrId() << " is connected to "


void travel2(VertexIter first, VertexIter last, const TrActionGraph& G)
typedef typename property_map::const_type TrActionMap;
typedef typename boost::property_traits::value_type TrActionClass;
typedef typename property_map::const_type EdgeRetTypeMap;

typedef std::pair OutEdgePair;

// Access the propety acessor type for this graph
TrActionMap trmap = get(vertex_trobject, G);
EdgeRetTypeMap edgeMap = get(edge_retresult_t(), G);

QList listOfStartingPoints;

// Get the list of starting points(vertices) of Graph store them in QList
while (first != last) {

TrActionClass curActionObj;

QListIterator ourIter(listOfStartingPoints);
// Iterate all the starting vertexes of Graph
VertexIter curIter =ourIter.next();
// Do not iterate further if there is no more out edges That is to say the vertex in subject is the last vertex
curActionObj = boost::get(trmap, *curIter);
int actionResult = curActionObj->getRetVal();

// Get the Iterator of Out Edges
bool nextVerseFound = false;

OutEdgePair edgePair = out_edges(*curIter,G);

// Iterate through out edges to find the Edge Retval Property equals to Retval by Action Object
while(edgePair.first != edgePair.second){
int retValProp = boost::get(edgeMap,*edgePair.first);
if(retValProp == actionResult){
curIter = target(*edgePair.first, G);
nextVerseFound = true;
break; // should not continue any more in this situation if there are no further loops defined.

curActionObj = boost::get(trmap, *curIter);


int main(int argc, char *argv[])
QCoreApplication a(argc, argv);

// create a typedef for the Graph type
Deneme1Class tr1(0);
Deneme2Class tr2(1);
Deneme3Class tr3(2);
Deneme1Class tr4(3);
Deneme2Class tr5(4);
Deneme3Class tr6(5);
Deneme1Class tr7(6);
Deneme2Class tr8(7);
Deneme3Class tr9(8);
Deneme1Class tr10(9);
Deneme1Class tr11(10);
Deneme1Class tr12(11);


TrActionGraph graphOfTr(3);

Edge edge1(tr1.getTrId(),tr2.getTrId());
Edge edge2(tr1.getTrId(),tr3.getTrId());
Edge edge3(tr2.getTrId(),tr3.getTrId());
Edge edge4(tr3.getTrId(),tr4.getTrId());
Edge edge5(tr3.getTrId(),tr5.getTrId());
Edge edge6(tr4.getTrId(),tr6.getTrId());
Edge edge7(tr4.getTrId(),tr7.getTrId());
Edge edge8(tr6.getTrId(),tr8.getTrId());
Edge edge9(tr7.getTrId(),tr9.getTrId());
Edge edge10(tr7.getTrId(),tr10.getTrId());

Edge edge11(tr9.getTrId(),tr9.getTrId()); // Setting vertice loop to it self
Edge edge12(tr9.getTrId(),tr11.getTrId());
Edge edge13(tr9.getTrId(),tr12.getTrId());

add_edge(edge1.first, edge1.second,EdgeProperty(0), graphOfTr);
add_edge(edge2.first, edge2.second,EdgeProperty(1), graphOfTr);
add_edge(edge3.first, edge3.second,EdgeProperty(0), graphOfTr);
add_edge(edge4.first, edge4.second,EdgeProperty(0), graphOfTr);
add_edge(edge5.first, edge5.second,EdgeProperty(1), graphOfTr);
add_edge(edge6.first, edge6.second,EdgeProperty(0), graphOfTr);
add_edge(edge7.first, edge7.second,EdgeProperty(1), graphOfTr);
add_edge(edge8.first, edge8.second,EdgeProperty(0), graphOfTr);
add_edge(edge9.first, edge9.second,EdgeProperty(1), graphOfTr);
add_edge(edge10.first, edge10.second,EdgeProperty(0), graphOfTr);
add_edge(edge11.first, edge11.second,EdgeProperty(0), graphOfTr);
add_edge(edge12.first, edge12.second,EdgeProperty(2), graphOfTr);
add_edge(edge13.first, edge13.second,EdgeProperty(1), graphOfTr);

TrActionPropType trTypeMap = get(vertex_trobject_t(), graphOfTr);

boost::put(trTypeMap, tr1.getTrId(), &tr1);
boost::put(trTypeMap, tr2.getTrId(), &tr2);
boost::put(trTypeMap, tr3.getTrId(), &tr3);
boost::put(trTypeMap, tr4.getTrId(), &tr4);
boost::put(trTypeMap, tr5.getTrId(), &tr5);
boost::put(trTypeMap, tr6.getTrId(), &tr6);
boost::put(trTypeMap, tr7.getTrId(), &tr7);
boost::put(trTypeMap, tr8.getTrId(), &tr8);
boost::put(trTypeMap, tr9.getTrId(), &tr9);
boost::put(trTypeMap, tr10.getTrId(), &tr10);
boost::put(trTypeMap, tr11.getTrId(), &tr11);
boost::put(trTypeMap, tr12.getTrId(), &tr12);

//travel(edges(graphOfTr).first, edges(graphOfTr).second, graphOfTr);
travel2(vertices(graphOfTr).first, vertices(graphOfTr).second, graphOfTr);

return a.exec();
// end of main.cpp

// IDenemeInterface.h
#pragma once


class IDenemeInterface
virtual ~IDenemeInterface();

virtual void run()= 0;
virtual int getRetVal()= 0;
virtual int getTrId()= 0;
virtual QString getTrName()=0;

inline void setNumberOfMaxRetries(int retryCount){m_MaxRetryCount = retryCount;};
inline int getNumberOfMaxRetries()const{return m_MaxRetryCount;};

// Static property
int m_MaxRetryCount;

// Run Time property
int m_RetVal;
int m_CurrentRetryCount;


// endof IDenemeInterface.h

// IDenemeInterface.cpp

#include "IDenemeInterface.h"

IDenemeInterface::IDenemeInterface(): m_MaxRetryCount(0), m_CurrentRetryCount(0)


// end of IDenemeInterface.cpp

// Deneme1Class.h

#pragma once
#include "idenemeinterface.h"

class Deneme1Class :
public IDenemeInterface
Deneme1Class(int trid);
virtual ~Deneme1Class(void);

void run();
int getRetVal();
int getTrId();
QString getTrName();


int m_trid;
QString m_trname;

// endof Deneme1Class.h

// Deneme1Class.cpp

#include "Deneme1Class.h"

Deneme1Class::Deneme1Class(int trid):m_trid(trid), m_trname("Deneme1 Tr")


void Deneme1Class::run(){
qDebug() << "Now at Deneme1Class run at obj id:" <<>
m_RetVal = 1;

int Deneme1Class::getRetVal(){
return m_RetVal;

int Deneme1Class::getTrId(){
return m_trid;

QString Deneme1Class::getTrName(){
return m_trname;

// endof Deneme1Class.cpp

// Deneme2Class.h
#pragma once
#include "idenemeinterface.h"

class Deneme2Class :
public IDenemeInterface
Deneme2Class(int trid);
virtual ~Deneme2Class(void);

void run();
int getRetVal();
int getTrId();
QString getTrName();

int m_trid;
QString m_trname;

// endof Deneme2Class.h

// Deneme2Class.cpp

#include "Deneme2Class.h"

Deneme2Class::Deneme2Class(int trid):m_trid(trid), m_trname("Deneme2 Tr")


void Deneme2Class::run(){
qDebug() << "Now at Deneme2Class run at obj id:" <<>
m_RetVal = 0;


int Deneme2Class::getRetVal(){
return m_RetVal;

int Deneme2Class::getTrId(){
return m_trid;
QString Deneme2Class::getTrName(){
return m_trname;

// endof Deneme2Class.cpp

// Deneme3Class.h
#pragma once
#include "idenemeinterface.h"

class Deneme3Class :
public IDenemeInterface
Deneme3Class(int trid);
virtual ~Deneme3Class(void);

void run();
int getRetVal();
int getTrId();
QString getTrName();

int m_trid;
QString m_trname;

// endof Deneme3Class.h

// Deneme3Class.cpp


#include "Deneme3Class.h"

Deneme3Class::Deneme3Class(int trid):m_trid(trid), m_trname("Deneme3 Tr")


void Deneme3Class::run(){
if(m_CurrentRetryCount++ > m_MaxRetryCount){
// no need to run anymore
m_RetVal = 1;
qDebug() << "Now at Deneme3Class run at obj id:" <<>
m_RetVal = 0;

int Deneme3Class::getRetVal(){
return m_RetVal;

int Deneme3Class::getTrId(){
return m_trid;

QString Deneme3Class::getTrName(){
return m_trname;

// endof Deneme3Class.cpp